Online admissions information - The Moneague College
Admission Requirements and Procedures.
TCJ Programmes
Admissions Requirements:
- Primary Education (B.Ed.) Mathematics, English A, 1 Social Science, 1 Science and 1 other CSEC/O’Levels.
- Early Childhood (B.Ed.) Mathematics, English A, 1 Science and 2 other CSEC/O’Levels.
- Secondary Education: Business (B.Ed.) Mathematics, English A, Accounts, Principles of Business (grades 1-2, A-B) and 1 other CSEC/O’Levels.
Secondary Education: Information Technology (B.Ed.) Mathematics, English A, Accounts, Information Technology (grades 1-2, A-B) and 1 other CSEC/O’Levels.
Here you will find admissions requirements for all tcj programmes
CCCJ Programmes
Admissions Requirements:
- ASc. in Business Administration (FT & PT)
Mathematics, English A, Accounts and 3 other related CSEC/O’Levels.
- BSc. in Business Administration (FT & PT) Finance Management/Human Resource
- CCCJ Associate Degree or Associate Degree from any other recognized institution, in related fields.
- ASc. in Hospitality and Tourism Management (FT) Mathematics, English A and 3 other related CSEC/O’Levels (2 nd year major: Food and Beverage, Accommodation or Travel and Tour).
BSc. in Hospitality and Tourism Management (FT)
CCCJ Associate Degree or Associate Degree from any other recognized institution, in
related fields.
- ASc. in Management Information Systems (FT) Mathematics, English A, Information Technology and two (2) other related CSEC/O’Levels.
Here you will find out more about the admission requirement for CCCJ Programmes
CCCJ Programmes Con'td
- BSc. Management Information Systems (FT) CCCJ Associate Degree or Associate Degree from any other recognized institution, in related fields.
- ASc. in Computer Servicing and Electronics (FT) Mathematics, English A, a technical subject and two (2) other CSEC/O’Levels.
- ASc. in Environmental Studies (FT) Mathematics, English A, 1 Science, 1 Social Science and 1 other CSEC/O’Levels.
- BSc. in Environmental Studies (FT) CCCJ Associate Degree or Associate Degree from any other recognized institution, in related fields.
- ASc. in Social Work (FT & PT) Mathematics, English A and three (3) other related CSEC/O’Levels.
- BSc. in Social Work (FT & PT)
CCCJ Associate Degree or Associate Degree from any other recognized institution, in
related fields.
- ASc. in Psychology (FT & PT)
Mathematics, English A and three (3) other related CSEC/O’Levels
- ASc. in Criminal Justice Mathematics, English A and three (3) other related CSEC/O’Levels
Find Out More About The Admission Requirements for CCCJ Programmes
CCCJ Programmes Con'td
- Hospitality Services Certificate (Certificate)
English A and two (2) other CSEC/O’Levels
Computer Studies (FT/PT) (Certificate)
English A and two (2) other CSEC/O’Levels
- Pre-University Studies (Major: Science & Arts) Certificate
5 CSEC/O’Levels (in one sitting)
- School Business Management (PT/Weekends) Certificate
Accounts, English A and 1 other related CSEC/O’Levels
- Continuing Education (FT & PT) 2 CSEC/O’Levels
Here you will find admission requirements for all CCCJ Programmes
To be considered for admission, applicants must satisfy basic Matriculation requirements
as well as Programme Matriculation requirements.
Basic Matriculation requirements specify a minimum of five (5) passes in subjects at
CXC/CSEC general proficiency grades I-III (grade III from June 1998), or GCE O’Level
(grades A-C) with compulsory subjects English ‘A’ or English Language and
Mathematics, or City and Guilds stage III Mathematics and English language.
Programme matriculation requirements are specific to a programme of study. As such,
each applicant MUST be guided by the College Registrar.
Applicants who are accepted into programme of study with five (5) CSEX/GCE subjects
including English ‘A’ or English Language but are trailing in Mathematics, may
complete Foundation Concepts in Mathematics I, II, and III or CSEC/GCE mathematics.
This, however, MUST be completed before the end of the first year of said programme.
To be considered for admission to the Bachelor’s level programmes, applicants MUST
possess an Associate Degree from the CCCJ or any accredited institution. It should be
noted, however, that this qualifying degree MUST be in an area relevant to the intended
programme of study. Applicants who are accepted from another institution WILL be
required to complete the necessary bridging or prerequisite courses at the Associate
degree level, in the first year of the Bachelor’s programme. Students who fail to meet this
requirement WILL NOT be promoted to year two (2) of the Bachelor’s programme.
The following conditions shall apply to a student who has ended the final semester of an
Associate degree programme and is trailing no more than six (6) credits:
i. The qualifying degree MUST be in an area relevant to the intended programme of
ii. Outstanding credits CANNOT be from first-year course and MUST be successfully
completed in the first year of the Bachelor’s programme.
iii. Outstanding credits CANNOT be from a course leading to a specialization or
iv. Equivalent qualification(s) as approved by the CCCJ.
v. Prior Learning Assessment Recognition/Major status as approved by the CCCJ.
Source: CCCJ Student Handbook 2018-2019

Matriculation To
Associate Level Programmes
To be considered for admission, applicants must satisfy basic Matriculation requirements
as well as Programme Matriculation requirements.