
Our Programmes

These educational programmes are created to help graduates compete in the working world. Knowledge is a door - but the application of knowledge is the key that unlocks that door.

4 Years

B.Ed. in Advanced Early Childhood

Location: Linstead, Port Maria

Applicants are aproved for thrid and fourth year courses based on grade point average and specialization from their diploma in education. The programme seeks to enhance the education of teachers currently in the system, while upgrading their qualifications and upgrading their teaching strategies and learning tools.

4 Years

B.Ed. in Advanced Primary (JBTE)

Location: (Main Campus)

Being a teacher requires specific training in childhood development, curriculum preparation, and classroom experience. With our B.Ed. degree in Advanced Primary Education, you can fulfill your goal of becoming a licensed educator who is equipped to make a positive impact on students you come in contact with. Our goal is to enhance the education of our teachers – positioning them to help more and earn more.

4 Years

B.Ed. in Advanced Secondary Business

Location: (Main Campus)

Completing this degree will equip it’s graduates with all the skills needed to inspire future generations of business leaders and creative entrepreneurs. This degree program takes the skills needed to earn a business degree and couples them with the knowledge and practice needed to earn a secondary teaching credential.  Get on your path to provide the guidance our future business leaders need by earning your Bachelor of Science in Business for Secondary Education degree at The Moneague College

4 Years

B.Ed. in Early Childhood Education (JBTE)

Location: (Main Campus)

Provides students with the necessary tools to foster and establish the fundamental learning tools for children ages 2 to 7. This programme helps students understand the psychological dynamic of nature versus nurture and the importance of the early childhood phase in a child’s future development.

4 Years

B.Ed. in Primary Education (JBTE)

Location: (Main Campus)

Enables graduates with competencies specific to teaching children ages 5 to 13 in preparation for GSAT and secondary level education. The programme provides a comprehensive approach to holistic learning relevant for the age group to develop academic and life skills, while nurturing a sense of civic pride and social responsibility.

4 Years

B.Ed. in Secondary Education (JBTE)

Location: (Main Campus)

Focuses on preparing teachers for business subjects such as Principles of Business, Principles of Accounting, Office Administration, Electronic Document Preparation, and more while providing the foundation for teaching any secondary level subject. 

2 Years

Bsc. Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Location: (Main Campus)
Minimum entry requirements:
4 Years

Bsc in Business Studies (CCCJ)

Location: (Main Campus)
Minimum entry requirements:
4 Years

Bsc in Computer Science (UTECH)

Location: (Main Campus)
4 Years

Bsc in Environmental Studies (CCCJ)

Location: (Main Campus)

In order to be considered for the Bsc in Environmental Studies programme, successful completion of the Associate Degree in Environmental Studies or other relevant Associate Degrees issued by the CCCJ. Consideration will be given to candidates with Associate degrees from other accredited institutions subject to the evaluation of the CCCJ. 

4 Years

Bsc in Hospitality & Tourism Management (CCCJ)

Location: (Main Campus)

To be considered for the Bsc in Hospitality & Tourism Management programme, successful completion of the Associate Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management or other relevant Associate Degrees issued by the CCCJ. Consideration will be given to candidates with Associate degrees from other accredited institutions subject to the evaluation of the CCCJ. 

4 Years

Bsc in Social Work (LOCAL)

Location: (Main Campus)

Entry requirements for our Bsc. in Social work includes the successful completion of an Associate Degree in Social Work from an accredited institution. Consideration will be given to candidates with Associate degrees from other accredited institutions subject to the evaluation of the CCCJ. 

2 Years

Associate in Business Studies (CCCJ)

Location: (Main Campus)
2 Years

Associate in Computer Servicing & Electronics (CCCJ)

Location: (Main Campus)

Enrolling in the Associate in Electronics and Computer Technology program can help you to transform your passion into a professional path forward. Here will learn be learn important computer concepts about local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs) and, of course, the Internet. Enroll today, transform your passion into profits.

2 Years

Associate in COS Business Process Outsourcing (LOCAL)

Location: (Main Campus)

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2 Years

Associate in COS Restaurant Operation (LOCAL)

Location: (Main Campus)

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2 Years

Associate in Criminal Justice (CCCJ)

Location: (Main Campus)

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2 Years

Associate in Environmental Studies (CCCJ)

Location: (Main Campus)

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem sit amet, adipiscing elit. Ut tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

2 Years

Associate in Hospitality & Tourism (CCCJ)

Location: (Main Campus)

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem sit amet, adipiscing elit. Ut tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

2 Years

Associate in Management Information Systems (CCCJ)

Location: (Main Campus)

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem sit amet, adipiscing elit. Ut tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

2 Years

Associate in Psychology (CCCJ)

Location: (Main Campus)

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem sit amet, adipiscing elit. Ut tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

2 Years

Associate in Social Work (CCCJ)

Location: (Main Campus)
1 Year

Certificate in Information Technology Essentials (LOCAL)

Location: (Main Campus)

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem sit amet, adipiscing elit. Ut tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.