Online Resources Guide

Accessing the Library’s Online Catalogue and Online Databases.
The Moneague College Library consists of three (3) libraries: 1 each at the Moneague, Port Maria and Linstead campuses. Each library consists of both physical and electronic materials that is deemed beneficial to a student’s academic life.
Online Catalog:
A library catalogue is a registry of the physical collection it possesses or shares with a group of libraries. It indicates where each item of the collection is located. The catalogue consists of information like author (s), title pagination/volumes, publisher, year of publication, series, ISBN, subject descriptors and class number etc for each of its item listed.
A library catalogue is a registry of the physical collection it possesses or shares with a group of libraries. It indicates where each item of the collection is located.
The catalogue consists of information like author (s), title pagination/volumes, publisher, year of publication, series, ISBN, subject descriptors and class number etc for each of its item listed.
Catalog – Mandarin Library Automation Moneague College.
.Go to Catalog – Mandarin Library Automation
Enter search term (NB: search by author, subject, title)
Select book most relevant to your research.
Check to see if material is available or out on loan.
1.Check to see which campus library material is located.
Online Databases:
The Moneague College Library subscribes to four databases that gives access to thousands of academic journals, electronic books and dissertation form across the world. Databases are –
- EbscoHost
- Proquest
- Ebrary (Proquest Ebook Central)
- Springer
EBSCOhost is a powerful online reference system accessible via the Internet. It offers a variety of full text databases and popular databases from leading information providers. The comprehensive databases range from general reference collections to specially designed, subject-specific databases for public, academic, medical, corporate and school libraries.
The advantage of using Ebscohost over other internet search engines is that all the information provided there is scholarly work that has been peer-reviewed and as such the information provided is reliable and accurate.
It is easy to use and features many tools which will make your research experience more exciting. EbscoHost is available 24 hours, 7 days of the week wherever you have internet access.
Accessing Ebsco Host:
- Go to or Catalog – Mandarin Library Automation Moneague College (select EbscoHost)
- Enter your user name: MCstudy2021
- Enter your password: MCpages2021!
- Click on : EBSCOhost: All Academic Databases: History, Science, Business, Vocational, and more
- Enter search term
- Select articles most relevant to your research.
The Moneague College, in collaboration with the other colleges of Jamaica under the umbrella: Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica (CCCJ), subscribe to ProqQuest.
ProQuest is committed to empowering researchers and librarians around the world.
Through partnerships with content holders, ProQuest preserves rich, vast and varied information and packages it with digital technologies that enhance its discovery, sharing and management.
For academic, corporate, government, school and public libraries, as well as professional researchers, ProQuest provides services that enable strategic acquisition, management and discovery of information collections.
- Go to Catalog – Mandarin Library Automation Moneague College (select ProQuest)
- Click on Moneague College
- Enter your password: MONEAGUECCCJ7
- Enter search term
- Select articles most relevant to your research.
Ebook Central from ProQuest offers an ebook experience that’s intuitive for everyone. It manages all aspects of one’s collection — discovery, selection, acquisition, administration, and reporting — all on one platform. ProQuest Ebook Central also provides access to more than a million ebooks, with 100,000 new titles added each year.
Accessing Ebrary:
- Go to Catalog – Mandarin Library Automation Moneague College (select ProQuest Ebook Central)
- Create an account
- Enter search term
- Select ebook most relevant to your research.
Springer is a leading global scientific, technical and medical portfolio, providing researchers in academia, scientific institutions and corporate R&D departments with quality content through innovative information, products and services.
Springer has one of the strongest STM and HSS eBook collections and archives, as well as a comprehensive range of hybrid and open access journals and books under the SpringerOpen imprint.
Accessing Springer:
- Go to Catalog – Mandarin Library Automation Moneague College (select Springer)
- No user name or password needed
- Enter search term
- Select articles most relevant to your research.
The Moneague College, Your Opportunity For Success
4 Years
- Advanced Standing (For Diploma Graduates)
- Early Childhood Education
- Literacy Studies
- Primary Education
- Secondary Education: Business & Information Technology
- Secondary Mathematics
4 Years
- Business Studies
- Environmental Studies
- Hospitality, Entertainment & Tourism
- Logistics & Supply Chain Management
- Social Work
- Computer Science
3 Years
- Business Studies
- Computer Servicing & Electronics
- Criminial Justice
- Early Childhood Education
- Environmental Studies
- Hospitality, Entertainment & Tourism
- Management Information Systems
- Psychology
- Social Work
2 Years
- CSEC Calsses (Math, English Language, Business, Art and Science Subjects)
- Pre-University Studies (Arts and Sciences)
- Pre-College
- C.A.P (In collaboration with NCTVET): Hospitality Services, Early Childhood Care and Development
- Center of Occupational Studies. This includes: Business Process Outsourcing and Restaurant Management
6 Months to 1 Year
- Cake Baking and Decorating
- Information Technology (IT) Essentials
- CISCO Networking
- Spanish For Beginners
Duration Varies
- Bachelor of Engineering In Industrial Systems (Evenings and Weekends)
- Associates of Applied Science
- Industrial Systems Operations and Maintenance
- Bachelors of Security Management and Administration
- CCCJ: Bachelors of Applied Science In Agri-Business
- TCJ: Bachelors of Secondary Education (Mathematics)